Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Re-editing the opening sequence

With all this madness occurring, I realized that it was still vital that we finish our project. That being said there was a lot more editing done. From the original video to the one that is done now, there are a lot of new details. Editing is definitely the one thing I dislike about creating movies but I know it’s something that is necessary. So that being said, I pushed through and did it all in a day. To start off, I made sure the video matched up. I placed them in the proper order before there was editing done. After that, I added transitions. The thing about transitions in a movie, they are very quick. There is no puzzle or swipe seen in a real movie. Those transitions are for amateur movies, and though mine is, I still wanted it to look professional. So I did less obvious transitioning effects. They were cuts from every video necessary as also. Adding the title was a little confusing. The font we wanted was not available on iMovie so I had to improvise. The font that was similar seemed a little unusual for a horror movie but in the end it worked out. I decided to give the sound job to another member in the group. That is when I realized my laptop was not working the way it should. It was taking forever for my video to export to the other member which was pushing us back. Because of everything going on, all the stores were closed including the apple store. I didn't send the other member the opening sequence until two days later. When the other member got the video, she added the sound but there was a problem. The song was a little overbearing. You could barely hear the actors talk. So alteration was needed. I decided to take the task up and add the song but change volume in certain parts of the film. For some odd reason I couldn't find the specific song my group member used so I inserted a similar one. The song actually worked out well. I modified the sound in the parts that modification was needed. After that, I rewatched the video multiple times to find areas that needed improvement. To end it off, I believe I edited the opening sequence to the best of my ability and worked well with the group.

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