Friday, April 10, 2020

Third Project: Opening Sequence

Creating the opening sequence was definitely a challenge. We had to create a pitch that we all liked. We chose to do a suspense/horror film. Luckily, in the start of the year we did a PowerPoint on the genre so I had prior knowledge. The story board was another story. There were 10 pages to do and it really made us think. We knew it had to match up with our film so it took a while. It also had to correlate with the location. The day of filming, we lost a member and gained three other members. We all met up at the library and I gave everyone a run down on the script.  There were times when we would be in the middle of film and stop just to make sure we were following the storyboard. That was because I wanted everything to be perfect. I wanted to be captured from a different camera angle. Which meant a lot of takes and improvisation. Everything was filmed on my phone so all I had to do was airdrop everything on my laptop. When home, I converted every video into MP4. I placed all the videos in and later on realized we had to re-film. We did do it but it was in the middle of the pandemic so we didn’t get the outcome we were expecting. I decided to tweak the video that was not up to par for us and tried to make it work. I added the necessary title and sound. In the end, the final project was finalized and matched up with our very amateur expectation. 

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