Thursday, October 24, 2019

Filming the Commercial

To start off , before the filming process, I made sure I was prepared. Knowing that I was filming the next day, I got all my clothing attire ready. I contacted my group members to make sure they were prepared so that we could film our commercial with no distraction. Considering the fact that we needed every member to film and it wouldn't follow up with the storyboard, it was very important to me that we were all ready. The day of filming has arrived and passed. The process was very smooth with only one big bump but I was still able to put in the work I planned on doing. As I walked to class, I reminded myself  how necessary it is for me film my commercial to the best of my ability. As class started, I changed into my track attire and walk towards the track field. A Lot of students were on the track and that triggered me because from what I learned in class, we cannot have outside noise. To proceed,  I then found a spot that could possibly block out the noise and uninvited actors.

To set up, I got blocks and a hurdle with the other members and placed them in there indicated spots. As I was setting up, I found out that our camera was dead from the directing group member. I had to wait awhile to film. In that time period, I reviewed the story board with actors and voiced what we wanted to say. As the fully charged new camera came about, I assisted in helping fixing it and placing it on the tripod properly. After the set up, I reviewed the story board out loud and got in position. I had to take multiple shots of scene 1. As time continued on, there were many chuckles and mess ups that annoyed me. Sooner or later, I started getting used to the multiple takes and waiting to prevent unnecessary variables. After a couple of takes and revision of the storyboard I was finally done and complete with the effort I put into our commercial.

Though I started the filming process later than the other groups, I was able to still finish on time and feel complete with the videos the director had. I felt like my job was done. As I walked back to class, I looked over the storyboard to make sure that everything my group and I planned, was executed. I changed as soon as I got back which put me behind a lot in class. I decided to help a member dump our videos since there was confusion. To proper dump the videos, I went back to my notebook to review the notes we took on dump in. I was able to help in dump in, though it took a while. After dump in properly, we were given small lecture in class. The statements made in the lecture made sense to me considering the fact that I was thinking the same thing that we were lectured on. I believe that next time, I should just be more prepared, like having a charged camera and making it back to class in time.

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